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Sri Lanka

Client | Sri Lankan National Broadcaster

Project Description

In 2001, Communications Technology Broadcasting (Pty) Ltd, was approached by an international Broadcaster to carry out the installation of 39 Maintenance wires on 13 SW antenna systems in Sri Lanka.
The months leading up to Communications Technology Broadcasting (Pty) Ltd arriving in Sri Lanka, the site was struck by a Typhoon which caused visible damage.
The site owners were concerned about other not so obvious damage on the structures and Communications
Technology Broadcasting (Pty) Ltd was requested to carry out a detailed inspection of the masts, curtains, feed-lines and foundations while on site.

The Challenge

To supply 39 steel wire ropes and carry out installation, testing and commissioning between opposite masts in excess of 150m apart while trying to avoid the antenna and reflector screen hanging below.

The Results

The project was completed without incident and was considered a complete success.




Scope Of Work

  • To supply 39 steel wire ropes as per the client's specifications and ship these t oSri Lanka where CTB would then mobilise to Site and carry out the installation, testing and commissioning of the installed maintenance cables.
  • Each maintenance cable was to be installed between opposite masts in excess of 150m apart. The ends are secured with shackles and on either end on the top of each mast. The maintenance cables where to be pulled up to one end and then the other while trying to avoid the antenna and reflector screen hanging below.
  • These antennas were to be put into operation each evening so special care was to be taken to avoid interruptions to the broadcast schedules.
  • Once installed, each maintenance cable was to be load tested and certified. The testing and commissioning was to be recorded and presented to the site owners On completion.